A Guide To Abu Dhabi Evening Desert Safari

A Guide To Abu Dhabi Evening Desert Safari

Are you looking for a thrilling adventure in the United Arab Emirates? If so, then an Abu Dhabi evening desert safari will be a great way to experience the beauty of the desert and have some fun while doing it. From camel rides to sand boarding, there is no shortage of activities you can enjoy during your evening desert safari. Here are five things you should know about this unforgettable experience.


Experiencing the peaceful desert night sky in its true glory  is an opportunity few will ever have. Still, with a guided Abu Dhabi evening desert safari, you can bring this experience to life. With the right guidance, this incredible adventure promises a unique mixture of fun and exploration. But even in the safest environment available, it's important to remember that safety is paramount during any excursion into wild and expansive expanses such as the Abu Dhabi desert. Before you embark on your Abu Dhabi evening desert safari journey, take a few extra precautions, such as gauging the weather accurately or carrying emergency items like food and water just in case something unexpected occurs. With safety at its core, you can rest assured that your Abu Dhabi evening desert safari will be nothing short of an unforgettable voyage!


One of the best parts about an Abu Dhabi evening desert safari is the exciting activities available for you to try out! You can choose from dune bashing, quad biking, sand boarding, camel rides, and even a delicious barbecue dinner under the stars! All these activities will provide plenty of excitement and thrills throughout your trip!


When planning for your Abu Dhabi evening desert safari, it’s important to consider what clothing would be appropriate for such an adventure. Since temperatures in the desert can drop significantly at night, it’s best to bring along warm layers of clothing such as sweaters or jackets, especially during the winter months (November to February). Additionally, make sure to wear comfortable shoes since you may be doing some hiking or running around during your trip!  


The cost of an Abu Dhabi evening desert safari will vary depending on which tour company you book with and what type of services they offer (e.g., meals included). Generally speaking, though, most tours cost between $70–$100 per person based on how long they last (usually 3-4 hours). This cost covers transportation from pick up/drop off points and all activities associated with your chosen tour package!


An Abu Dhabi evening desert safari is an amazing adventure that everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime! Whether you're looking for thrills or just want to enjoy some peace and quiet away from city life - this breathtaking experience has something for everyone! From camel rides and dune bashing through vast deserts - this incredible journey will leave lasting memories forever! So book now and get ready for a truly unforgettable journey into one of nature's most beautiful wonders - The Arabian Desert!

Featured Image Source: https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1442731975/photo/sunrise-of-camping-in-desert-safari.jpg?b=1&s=170667a&w=0&k=20&c=gA3SSImPtKngSZ-fKRgssod4FtjvBVjHiN11oiJRBP8=


Feb 03, 2023 by VD Staff
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